The Song Saa Collective works towards achieving and exceeding the UN's Sustainable Development Goals – global goals that work towards an end to poverty, the protection of the planet and the attainment of peace and prosperity for all.
Throughout the years, we have implemented the Boat of Hope programme, providing critical medical supplies and care to the islands of the Koh Rong Archipelago, in addition to our 6-year collaboration with International Medical Relief (IMR) that implemented health clinics across the archipelago each September. Our Song Saa Sea Turtle Programme has delivered practical education to maintain and improve eco-literacy for local adolescents, teaching future generations the importance of the environment and how change can affect them. Since creating Cambodia’s first ever marine reserve in 2006, we've witnessed nature’s resilience first hand with both numbers and size of species increasing significantly.
We continue to strive and innovate on plans that will exceed our chosen SDGs and we look forward to sharing our commitments, successes and learnings along the way...